Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to Him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and His bride has prepared herself. Revelation 19:7

why do we tithe?
Jesus taught us that sowing financial seed
reaps a harvest,
both individually and corporately.
When we give back a portion of what God has blessed us with, He can bless us even more.
Giving is never about obligation, but about our desire to honor God with every part of our lives.
what's the difference?
Tithe - A tithe is generally at least 10% of your income, given to your local Body, for use toward the physical needs of the building and congregation.
Offering - An offering is a monetary gift given above your tithe, usually after God puts a desire in your heart to contribute toward a specific finanical situation. Most offerings can include missions, building funds, and supporting guest ministers.

how do I give?
You are welcome to give online, in-person, or by mail.
We encourage you to designate offerings toward the specific need you want to give to.
Envelopes are provided in-person for you to do this.
New Castle Ministries is designated as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization. Your monetary gifts are tax-deductible. Please use the designated forms in-person, so we can return the information to you for your records.
If you have any questions, please contact us.